Our classroom!
Annual Registration Fee of $30 for your first child and $15 for every additional child.
Children must be potty trained.
Preschool only is $265/month
3-Year Old Preschool is Monday-Thursday from 8:00am - 11:00am -One Opening
4/5-Year Old Pre-K is Monday- Thursday from 8:00am-12:00pm -FULL
What our daily routine looks like:
Morning Session/Afternoon Session
8:00/12:00 Welcome, Free Play Centers - blocks, puzzles, dramatic play, kitchen area, tool bench, sensory table
8:30/12:30 Circle Time - welcome song, calendar, counting, letters, shapes, colors, story, sharing, learn new song/rhyme, etc.
9:15/1:15 Music & Movement - interactive songs like Ants go Marching or Hokey Pokey, free-style dance to Music CD, dance/hop like animals. Stretching and tumbling.
9:30/1:30 Snack/Potty (Parents must provide daily snacks for their child.)
9:45/1:45 Table Activity Time - Age appropriate paperwork (learn to write their names, patterns, scissor skills, math, journal, puzzles,etc.).
1 0:15/2:15 Outdoor Play - trikes, slides, bubbles, playhouse, sidewalk chalk, etc. Create natural play-scapes which allow children to interact with bugs, plants, water, trees and nature.
10:30/2:30 Learning Centers - Alphabet games and math games (during this time we pull individual and small groups to work on specific skills.
11:00/3:00 Going Home
Lunch will be from 11:00-12:30 for children who attend all day.